Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We is the People also!

The President for all of the people...

Is Obama President to all of the families that have been forever changed by gun violence.  I'm sure that it is safe to assume that all Americans regardless of race are touched by the events in Newtown last year.  Let's face it our society is centered around the events and desires of white men.  There is no question that our Eurocentric focus is prevalent.  You would have to live in a box under a bomb shelter with no prior knowledge of society and culture to NOT know how heart wrenching losing a child in America just before Christmas... en masse... children who had not even reached puberty... The victims lived in a sleepy town... predominantly white... suburbia at it's finest.  Obama was definitely president to those poor helpless families.... He immediately made remarks that brought a tear to everyone's eyes including his own.  Yes he was president to those families.

However, is America's judgement that blacks are 3/5ths human in place here?  Hundreds of black families on Chicago's south side have been rocked by violence.  Not just on one day a few days before Christmas.  Black people are being killed by each other, and police regularly.  It may not be shocking or tragic as the media would have you believe that somehow by choosing to live in a highly populated metropolis a family unwittingly signs its rights to safety away.  No mention is made how urban families come to be in highly densely populated places.  THESE FAMILIES COME FOR WORK.  Often rural places have few opportunities for advancement.  Please remember that a person on welfare for instance in the state of Pennsylvania (or any other state) if you receive a grant of welfare, TANF... whatever... Your government benefits don't change as a result of whether or not you live in a metropolitan area. 

One would assume that impoverished families would be happy to draw their same allotment from a safer place.  Not so... Poor families need access to affordable public transportation and jobs that rural areas simply can't offer.  So does that mean one deserves to be shot?  Apparently the presidency doesn't include concern for these families and it never has.  Perhaps this is why we see little to no regard for those lives. 

Friends and neighbors in the Newtown tragedy used phrases like "nothing happens like that here" as if it is supposed to happen only to a certain portion of the population.  No Mr. President for all.  Even if you don't care about the 3/5ths humans of Chicagoans being slaughtered like dogs in the streets of your home state... Or wherever you are from.  At least show some concern for the people who are impacted on a daily basis from your wife's home state!  Do it for the Gipper if you will.  Is party affiliation so strong that you fear your position will be undermined if you shed a tear on the boob tube for people that look like your wife?

It's not supposed to happen in Newtown, its not supposed to happen in Chicago, not Los Angeles or Compton.  We the people of the urban populace didn't unwittingly sign up for our loved ones to be murdered at will because we didn't have the ability or desire to jump up and move to the country with white people.  Our children are no less important. Our concerns are no less important.  It's ok to vote and propose legislation of the constituency that helped you get in office.  Mr. President.  Don't go missing in the conversation when black honor students are murdered. 

Let's see some tears for young Hadiya Pendleton. Something tells me that her loss has significantly impacted our community.  An honor student, a good girl... Just standing out of the rain while doing what you said black folks "needed to do." As if we haven't been doing it all along... You can't even get a food stamp without making sure your children attend school regularly in these parts.  I'm sure you wouldn't know Mr. President about the struggles of the poor and you are shielded from those... Rightly so poverty is no fun and should be avoided at all costs.  Oh yes your eyes will probably never gaze upon these words... And I'm sure if on the off chance they found their way into your circle there are already reasons in your head and those of your handlers why responding to the deaths of the Americans who overwhelmingly supported your re-election campaign... It may cause a split... The GOP won't like it.

Hadiya and her classmates probably like you more than anyone you work with other than your family.  Remember that.  She thought enough of you to attend your inaugural activities.  I'm sure money was raised that parent's didn't have so that their child had a shot to be a part of your legacy.  It's a shame your remain silent.  If not for the hundreds of black men and women being murdered in the streets... For Hadiya because she and her family were doing what you said was the magic recipe for success in this country for blacks...

1200 Men have died since Newtown
81 Teens
23 Children

It wasn't supposed to happen there either...

Friday, January 25, 2013


Well what would he do?   In order to really know the answer you must watch the movie.  Django Unchained will probably go down in history as a “cult classic,” despite the reckless and wanton violence portrayed during a time when the nation and the world could use a little peace.  I’m not mad at the violence in Django this violent behavior is not new in America.  America has never had a history of peace so there is no need to start adopting a peaceful persona when the discussion of slavery arises.  The fact is that slavery was brutal and painful and not nearly as fun in practice as the few scenes of laughter integrated into Tarantino’s film.  The violence is and was raw, naked and unrestrained in its description as well as its practice.

I’m so afraid that young people will get this idea in their heads without critically thinking about What Django would have done.  Personally I believe it is an attempt to draw minorities in to their own demise.  White people know what Django did if they watched the movie.  Channeling such an epic episode in history is not just dangerous for them.  It is dangerous for minorities more.  Who the hell do you think will be, “shot down in the street like a dog,” if the presence of a gun is even SUSPECTED. Who will go to jail and ultimately lose their right to bear arms FIRST should the letter of the law not be followed?  History is our teacher with respect to those questions. 

Yes black people were chained together and families were split apart!  Yes married people in love were forced to watch each other being sold, beaten and raped.  Newly freed black people in fact did try and find loved ones after they gained freedom from their captors.  Husbands searched for wives, mothers for children.  Some with success, others were not so fortunate.  Family is a central part of the African experience.  The new things we witness with regards to father’s not being in the lives of their children are problems and issues forced on black people rather than the status quo as others would have us believe.  The marriage rolls also swelled with black people who now had the right to marry each other (and no one else). We are family oriented people by DNA.  Oh you may not see it on tv but our gang culture, fraternities and sororities all center around a familial bond and camaraderie.  Only the activities augment the viability of the organization if it be BLOOD,CRIP, GANGSTER DISCIPLE, or ZETA PHI BETA the list goes on and on.  What idiot wants to remind black folks of that episode and chapter. None other than a mastermind seeking to further enslave you.  Remember that. 

WHAT WOULD DJANGO DO? It is important that before asking that question with regards to our 2nd amendment rights and remedies the movie be critically examined.  Probably far more than I care to take the task.  My preliminary findings as I’ve observed.

Django carried a gun and followed the law.  What a blow to gun activists who may try to persuade young minorities to wantonly mass murder without pointing out the very specific facts.
Yes initially every kill Django made was attached to a bounty warrant.  There is not much need to go into what all that means.  Django was acting as a law enforcement official.  

When Django killed outside of the bounds of the warrant it was in protection of his family.  Not because someone disrespected his colors, or stole his tv, or screwed his woman or scratched up his ride.  He did not shoot because his sneakers got scuffed at the club.  I’m really angry because these “gun appreciators” are really trying to pull in my young brothers and sisters with some false and preconceived notions.

Django did not kill other black folks unless they had been instrumental in helping white people subdue black folks. Samuel L… Uncle Ruckus… need I say more?

Django gunned down white men and women who were his captors and with style and finesse.  CAPTORS… not passersby… he was able to hold his steel even in the most aggravating situations until the outcome could be balanced in his favor.


Let’s be clear when we are asked WWDD.

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